
Ad de Jongh and Suzy Matthijssen (Netherlands) train on
EMDR 2.0. and treating complex trauma with EMDR therapy
Time of training: Mon-Tues 9-10. September 2024

Training location: Linnateatteri auditorium, Puutarhakatu 8 (Maalaistentalo), Turku,
Tentative schedule: Registration on Monday, September 9. from 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Lectures Mon 9.9. from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Tue 10.9. from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Ad de Jongh and Suzy Matthijssen are psychologists from the Netherlands known as
innovative developers and researchers in the fields of trauma therapy and EMDR
therapy. In this training, the first day focuses on the introduction of EMDR 2.0, where

the principles of the standard protocol have been developed especially in light of the
knowledge related to the effects of working memory loading. The second day will focus
on the use of EMDR in the treatment of complex patients.
The training is intended for all EMDR therapists (level I completed). It takes place as a
live event only. The teaching language is English and the entire training is interpreted
into Finnish, the interpreter is Kimmo Absetz.
The price of the training is 850 EUR (2 days, includes VAT 25.5%) and 450 EUR (1 day,
includes VAT 25.5%). The price includes coffee/tea service both in the morning and in
the afternoon. – Registration via Memodria Oy’s website (address www.memodria.fi) or
to e-mail address yhteys.memodria@gmail.com. – The registration period ends on
August 9, 2024, and cancellations made after the end of the registration period will be
charged 50% of the total price. If the cancellation is not made 7 days before the start of
the training, the full training fee will be charged.


EMDR Norge minner om at det er mulig for EMDR terapeuter å søke om støtte til lokalt utviklingsarbeid knyttet til EMDR.

Eksempler på hva slikt lokalt arbeid kan være er: Artikkelskriving, lokale fagsamlinger eller kurs.

Det er satt av 40 000,- totalt i midler i årsbudsjettet for EMDR Norge til dette formålet. 

Styret i EMDR Norge håper det fins ivrige EMDR terapeuter som vil se muligheter til å bruke av disse midlene lokalt. Send oss gjerne søknad!